
Looking for Wholesale Gucci Handbags?

Think again! No, seriously – are you one of those unlucky people who are trying to make money on eBay by selling branded handbags? I feel so sorry about You as this is a common trap. I’ll be totally blunt with you – it’s almost impossible if you want to stay in line with the Law. Why? I’ll explain that in a minute.

As you know, designer handbags are very expensive. Very expensive! Brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci are one of the most popular and hot sellers on eBay indeed. I won’t talk about how consumerism has ruined our lives, how fashion magazines are making young girls to spoil their health by following yet another “hot” diet plan, named by a doctor who has never seen a medical school. That’s another story.
But I really feel sorry for a woman who buys a $2000 designer handbag. Problem is not in the handbag itself! As far as civilization goes, rich people have bought exclusive stuff in the past and I’m sure they’ll do in the future. The problem is that this poor woman’s salary is only $2000 per month! You see, she is so desperate to get that handbag that she’s ready to spend the whole month’s salary on it! That’s the problem – people want to live BETTER, and as a result they buy goods by far more expensive than they can actually afford!

OK, yeah – you as an eBay seller shouldn’t worry about these social, 21st century problems. All you care is profit, right?

Let me tell you this – you can’t buy wholesale designer handbags from a mystic company in Eastern China! You simply can’t because there’s no such a thing as a wholesale company that can supply average Joes with designer handbags.

Most of companies in luxury goods market have their own shops or they deal only with authorized dealers. Sorry, chances are that you’ll never become an authorized dealer for “Channel” handbags without a spare million or two to invest in a kitschy boutique near Paris city center. It simply won’t happen!

What’s more dangerous though - thousands of people every single day are scammed by so called “wholesalers” from China. If you do a quick search on Google or Alibaba you’ll see what I’m talking about. Most of these companies sell designer handbags, like Gucci and Louis Vuitton for $40-$60 a piece! Do you seriously think Gucci sells their hand crafted handbags to Chinese wholesale companies at such a ridiculously low prices?
So if you’re still looking for a supplier who can offer you wholesale designer handbags to sell on eBay, please stop. Just don’t waste your time & money. There are far more lucrative products and markets, where you can make more money AND without going to jail for selling counterfeit goods on eBay.

